CLI setup

The Accumulate CLI (Command Line Interface) installation and the binary installation are the fastest way to get Accumulate running locally. This guide will show you how to set up Accumulate locally.

Two ways of CLI setup

  • Binary installation

  • From the source

1. Binary Installation v0.6.3

Step 1: Choose one of the following:

Step 2: Move accumulate to a folder of your choice.

Moving it to your documents folder is recommended, making it easier to locate on your terminal.

Step 3: In order to set the permissions so you can run this file, type in the following command: chmod 744 <path_to_file>. Pro tip: drag and drop the accumulate file onto the terminal to get the path.

Step 4: Copy the binary file location and paste it into your terminal and press enter to bring up the usage guide. Pro-tip: after the first time you drag and drop, you can press the Up arrow key to repeat for every future command.

You can start using the Accumulate CLI commands.

How to access Accumulate CLI from anywhere in the terminal.

This is an optional step

This step makes it easier to run accumulate since you can call it anywhere in your terminal.

You can follow the instructions in this link

2. From source

Preparing the installation

The CLI installation guide needs two requirements.

  • GO language 1.18 version

  • Terminal or any command line interface of your choice

Step 1: Clone accumulate

git clone

Step 2: Locate accumulate folder

cd wallet

Step 4: Build Accumulate

This command works for Mac/Linux and Windows

go build ./cmd/accumulate

Once you run the command above, an accumulate binary file should appear in the root directory accumulate, which enables the CLI Commands.

Step 5: Initialize your wallet

This command will walk you through initializing your wallet:

./accumulate wallet init

If this is your first time using the Accumulate wallet, you will be prompted to set some general configuration options.

? Automatically run the wallet daemon in the background when the CLI is used?:
  ▸ Yes (password(s) will be remembered for 10 minutes)
    No (enter your password(s) each time)

Running the daemon in the background is convenient because it lets the CLI remember your passwords for up to 10 minutes after the last command, but it is somewhat less secure. If an attacker gains direct control of your PC, they could potentially abuse this feature to steal your keys.

You will be asked if you want to create a single- or multi-vault wallet. Most users should choose a single-vault wallet. Advanced users may wish to choose a multi-vault wallet as it allows multiple mnemonics and sets of keys to be used, with (optionally) different encryption keys.

? Wallet mode:
  ▸ Single vault
    Multi vault

Next you will be asked if you want to encrypt your wallet. Encrypting your wallet is highly recommended.

? Encrypt keys?:
  ▸ Yes

If you chose to encrypt your wallet, you will be prompted to enter and confirm the new encryption passphrase.

New password: ****
Confirm password: ****

If you are creating a multi-vault wallet, the command will now exit. See Managing vaults for instructions on how to create vaults.

If you are creating a single-vault wallet, you will be asked if you wish to generate a new mnemonic, import an existing one, or skip.

Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Mnemonic:
  ▸ Create

If you chose to create a new mnemonic, you will be prompted to write down your generated mnemonic phrase in the terminal and press enter.

Please keep your mnemonic phrase safe, it will help you restore the wallet.

Step 5: Start the CLI Tool

To test that the Accumulate is installed correctly, run the below command without arguments.

On Mac / Linux / Windows


Last updated