Release Note 1.0 RC1
Accumulate v1.0 and Release Candidate1 (RC1) Release Notes – 07/22/22
🚀 New
Add network file deployment test
`.acme` is a valid ADI name
A synthetic transaction will never be delivered if it arrives after its anchor.
Add Entry Blocks to the flat files of the Factom Entry Extraction
Add guards for –reset
Add security for proxy / validator config
Allow new Factom data entries
Block self-delegation
CLI import key makes bad assumption about key type
CLI tx execute: accept YAML
Configurable routing
Convert batch to data model entity
Convert transaction to data model entity
Create data model based database infrastructure
Create Snapshot of Factom Entries
Dataset logger for creating tabular data
Debug TestMissingSynthTxn
Deprecate use of persistent peers
Enforce anchor sequence and delivery
Gen-types –include is broken
Halt Factom at a Particular Block Height
Include a version in the snapshot header
Include the list of accounts within an ADI as part of the ADI’s state
Leverage checktx priority for SyntheticTransactions
Lock lite token accounts
Major Block API Task
Make transaction blacklist marshal as a list
Make validator key books subordinate to dn/operators
Minor block API excludes anchors
Move account indices to data model
Multiple output issue tokens
Not able to generate lite Identity/lite token account with already created “key”/”public key”
Partially Refund ACME Balance for Failed Add Credit Transaction (Deduct 1 Credits worth of ACME)
Preserve state during CheckTx
Prevent refund cycle
Reduce the signature fee to match the scratch write data fee
Refactor accumulated config directory structure
Refactor transaction status
Remove grpc support
Remove IDE-specific files
Remove Private Key import from command line input in CLI
Remove the validator key book
Replace scratch accounts with scratch chains
TestAdd/RemoveKey tests broken
Update indices and SMT to use the struct cache
Update the Devnet to run in dual-mode (pairing BVN node and DN node)
Update type generator
UpdateKey can create duplicates
Use a fixed set of chains
Use a full snapshot as the genesis document
Use data model for database cache
Use full chainId/accountId as the lite data url
Validate major block API in CI and make major block timing configurable
Validate synthetic and anchor signers against dn/network
Wallet Backup Import and Export Design
When Creating a Duplicate Authority the Transaction Should Fail
Write Load Code Utility
🔧 Fixes
Able to Set Threshold to 0
Fix add credits
Handle IssueTokens failure
Issuing Custom Tokens to an ACME Token Account Changes ACME Account Balance
Not able to generate lite Identity/lite token account with already created “key”/”public key”
Panic in SubnetSyntheticLedger.Add
Sending a synthetic transaction to the DN crashes it
TestCLI is failing in CI (June 13)
Updating a Key Book URL and Public Key Hash with a different Delegate (Key Book URL) (signing with the Public Key Hash)(Entry: Public Key Hash, Delegate) Fails
Updating a Public Key Hash Entry to Include the Same Public Key and a New Key Book URL Produces a “Cannot have duplicate entries on key page” Error
✨ Improvements
Cleanup CLI help
Fix static analysis issues
Many CLI subcommands appear to accept more parameters than they really do
Remove key page index and height parameters from CLI commands
Rename subnet to partition
Last updated