Managing vaults

With the exception of migrating to multi-vault mode, the operations here are only applicable to a multi-vault wallet.

Migrating from v0.4 and earlier

The wallet will automatically convert the default ≤v0.4 database to a single-vault wallet. If you were using multiple, separate databases (with the deprecated --database flag), the recommended migration path is to adopt them into a multi-vault wallet. If you have a database at the default path (~/.accumulate/wallet.db or ~/.accumulate/wallet_encrypted.db), migrate that to multi-vault mode after it is automatically converted into a single-vault wallet. Once that is done, adopt your other databases into the wallet.

It is possible to maintain multiple, separate wallets but this is highly discouraged for the majority of users. The only scenario for which this is recommended is maintaining a separate wallet for use with testnets.

Migrate to multi-vault mode

The following steps will convert a single-vault wallet into a multi-vault wallet with a single vault.

  1. Run accumulate vault migrate.

  2. Confirm you wish to convert your wallet to multi-vault mode.

  3. Choose what your current vault will be named.

  4. Choose whether to encrypt the index database. Encryption is highly recommended.

    • This will encrypt the vault list, making it harder to determine which files should be attacked in case a malicious actor gains access to your files.

    • Future versions of the wallet may support indexing of keys, accounts, etc. Encrypting these would prevent information leakage.

  5. If you are encrypting your wallet, enter a passphrase.

  6. Done!


This feature is not yet supported in the GUI


Create a new vault

  1. Run accumulate vault create [name]

  2. Choose whether to encrypt the vault. Encryption is highly recommended.

  3. If you are encrypting your wallet, enter a passphrase.

  4. Choose to create a new mnemonic or import an existing one. Skipping this step is not recommended, as most functions of the wallet require a mnemonic.

  5. Done!


This feature is not yet supported in the GUI


Adopt an existing vault

The following steps will adopt an existing vault into your wallet. The target can be a single-vault wallet or a ≤v0.4 database.

  1. Run accumulate vault adopt [target].

  2. Confirm you wish to adopt the target into your wallet.

  3. Choose what your current vault will be named.

  4. Done!


This feature is not yet supported in the GUI


Last updated