CLI Releases

Follow these steps to install the latest released version of the Accumulate Core Wallet CLI.

Step 1: Choose one of the following:

Rename the file to accumulate.exe

Step 2: Move accumulate to a folder of your choice.

Moving it to your documents folder is recommended, making it easier to locate on your terminal.

Step 3: In order to set the permissions so you can run this file, type in the following command: chmod 744 <path_to_file>. Pro tip: drag and drop the accumulate file onto the terminal to get the path.

Step 4: Copy the binary file location and paste it into your terminal and press enter to bring up the usage guide. Pro-tip: after the first time you drag and drop, you can press the Up arrow key to repeat for every future command.

Step 5: Start using the Accumulate CLI commands.

How to access Accumulate CLI from anywhere in the terminal.

This is an optional step

This step makes it easier to run accumulate since you can call it anywhere in your terminal.

You can follow the instructions in this link

Last updated